Nationwide Protests Against Electricity Price Increase

Nationwide Protests Against Electricity Price Increase: Jamaat-e-Islami Takes a Stand

In a bold move to challenge the rising electricity prices, Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Chief Hafiz Naeem-ur-Rehman has announced a nationwide protest set for September 29. This demonstration aims to oppose the increasing costs of electricity and the significant profits earned by Independent Power Producers (IPPs).

The Catalyst for Change

During a recent press conference, Hafiz Naeem highlighted the struggles faced by ordinary citizens amid soaring electricity bills. He criticized the government for its inability to regulate the profits of IPPs, which have reportedly amassed between Rs 2,000 to 2,400 billion annually since the year 2000. This alarming statistic underscores the disconnect between the government and the everyday struggles of the public, who are burdened by fuel price adjustments and additional taxes on their electricity bills.

Naeem emphasized that this movement is not for personal gain but for the rights of the 250 million citizens of Pakistan. He condemned the government’s failure to conduct a promised forensic audit of the IPPs, a commitment made during a 13-day sit-in in Rawalpindi. This promise, like many others, seems to have been forgotten, leaving citizens frustrated and disillusioned.

Upcoming Actions and Referendum

As part of its “Give Rights to the People” movement, JI plans to escalate its demonstrations, which will include sit-ins on major highways. Hafiz Naeem warned that if the government fails to address the IPP issue, the protests will only intensify. He announced an upcoming referendum scheduled from October 23 to 27, aimed at deciding whether citizens should continue paying electricity bills under the current system.

This referendum reflects the deepening dissatisfaction among the populace regarding the government’s handling of energy policies and their impact on daily life. Citizens are increasingly looking for ways to voice their discontent, and the JI is providing a platform for that expression.

See also  Electricity Prices Set to Increase for Karachi Consumers

A Call to Action

As these events unfold, it’s crucial for citizens to stay informed and engaged. The rising electricity prices and the government’s failure to take action on IPPs are issues that affect everyone. Engaging in these discussions and participating in protests can help amplify the public’s voice.

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